Walk into any Waffle House down south and you are likely to get called: 1. Honey 2. Sugar 3. Sweetie 4. Baby 5. Darlin’ These words are how we address strangers and loved ones. I’ve been guilty of using them myself and I have a funny story to share. Years ago, I’d been hanging outContinue reading
Category: Southern Slang
Mid-Week Words: 5 Ways to Address Someone #southernstyle
Mid-Week Word: Spell- Not for Writers or Witches #southernstyle
I learned to spell in school, but that’s not a very Southern use of the word. Wizards and witches cast spells, but I don’t mean this one either. My Maw used to say this word a lot. “Sit a spell.” In this case, it’s a undetermined length of time. Trust me, she was a womanContinue reading
Mid-Week Words: Asleep and Not Having Bad Dreams #southernstyle
The phrase “asleep and not having bad dreams” is one I use in my Debut Novella Spring Fling. I’ve heard this all my life, so I thought it was a fairly common expression. I’ve had one or two people ask me about it, so I thought I better explain. In the context of Spring Fling, PaceContinue reading
Mid-Week Words: Do What? #southernstyle
I hear this in my family all the time. “Do what?” It’s usually spoken when you think you’ve misheard what someone says. We use this instead of, “What did you say?” Sample Use: Blake Shelton (1st time I heard Sure Be Cool If You Did): “Now you’re standing in the neon, looking like a hoContinue reading
Mid-Week Words: Actin’ Da Fool #southernstyle
Actin’ da fool is translated “Acting the fool.” You’ll hear this said about people, usually kids, when they fool around, cut up, joke, or prank. Adults will sometimes say it when the behavior starts to border on obnoxious. Last week, it snowed really hard at our house (which is a rare thing this far south). We wentContinue reading