Due to major road construction, I had to find a new route to work. It took me a few passes before I realized the name of the road I was traveling. Hubba-luv will tell you I’m not very observant.
My mind automatically saw Sleepy Hollow, then one day I was like, “Whoa!”
Guess what images popped into my head simultaneously?

Spooky, huh?
After a couple of weeks, I tried to take my old route to work because it’s much shorter, but only encountered detours which led me to parts unknown. Thank the Lord for GPS.
When I told Hubba-luv I had to go back to the Depp, he looked at me like I had three heads until I explained the connection.
Now I cruise along and sing the very few lyrics I know of “God, That’s Good”. 😀
Happy trails, y’all!