School is back in session in my neck of the woods, so I guess that means summer fun is over. Since my husband desperately needed some time off from the grind, we scooted over to the East coast for a few days. Savannah and Charleston are interesting places. I learned more than I can post but here are a few highlights.
-6 years is too long to spend apart from good friends.
-One reason Savannah has a lot of ghosts is because it was built on an Indian burial ground.
-Never go to a fudge shop after a pub tour.
-Horse drawn carriage tours are fun but smelly.
-Deep fat frying food in the South is a West African influence.
-To survive Atlanta traffic, don’t leave a gap between your car and the one in front and don’t use a blinker.
-Before the invention of red lights, “those” places were called red shoe districts. Guess why.
-A fun driving game to play is to pretend the two cities on an exit sign are the first and last name of a person and make up a story about them.

Did you learn anything fun this summer?
P.S. I’m blogging at Romance Magicians today about writer related activities.
A few short trips are my equivalent of a summer vacation. One of the things I learned is that you can’t get there from here. I admit I have no sense of direction but when it takes seven and a half hours to make a four hour trip something is very wrong.I also learned that Atlanta is the doorway to anyplace you’re heading. The Atlanta signs will hit you in the face, all other sinage is just an afterthought. I also learned the most unique and interesting places are always found off the beaten path.Absolutely loved your vacation learning experience Meda.
It was a good time. It was trial by fire learning to use the navigation system in our car. We’re lucky we made it. Thanks for stopping by.