The spring cleaning bug bit me, and I spent last weekend cleaning out my closet. I have this loose rule that if I haven’t worn something in the last six to twelve months, I donate it. The rule doesn’t apply to shoes, though it should. I pulled out shoes and clothes I haven’t worn since I moved into my house four years ago. I take comfort in the (possibly mistaken) belief that I’m not the only one who keeps clothes long past their expiration dates.
If you read my post last week about my daring, yet unsuccessful attempts to resuscitate a 10+-year-old pair of jeans, then you know what I’m dealing with.
Since I’m not a fashion forward person, expiration dates would help me realize when a trend has passed.
An expiration date might have prevented a loss of support when the Velcro shoulder strap on my sports bra failed during BodyAttack (a high impact cardio class from Les Mills).
Either I’ve grown or my old tops have shrunk, because I’m baring early-nineties style midriff when I raise my arms above my head.
With all of these clothing mishaps piling up, I’m surprised the fashion police haven’t written me up for multiple infractions. Perhaps I should peruse a few fashion magazines, blogs, and Pinterest boards before I make a trip to the store to restock.
Have the clothes in your closet passed their expiration date?
One thing about not growing (height-wise) anymore, we all have problems of knowing when to get rid of that beautiful blouse a certain someone (me) bought in 1995. Sadly, that felt like yesterday, but anyone under the age of forty will be looking at me as if I was stuck in a Home Improvement sitcom.
I feel your pain, but so true. Though I have thought of starting up quilting just to save some of the fabrics/designs. LOL!
1995 does feel like it was yesterday. How can 20 years pass so quickly? I’m ROTFL about Home Improvement. “I don’t think so, Tim.” is a frequently used expression at our house. And quilting’s not a bad idea to use as a keepsake for those pieces you don’t want to forget. You’ll have to tell me how it turns out. 😀
Sugar,what goes around comes around, I’m wearing clothes now I wore 15 to 20 years ago. They are classic with a few modern accessories and I’m good to go. Comfort is my mantra, although I have been called a fashionista. During the 80’s I offered my daughters bell bottoms, mini skirts, etc. I wore back in the day. They refused so I passed them along to a niece. The very next time we went to the mall, bell bottoms screamed from the shops buy me! buy me! and of course we did. I am a pack rat but if I know someone who needs something I’m more than willing to share. I have provided quite a few costumes over the years. It would be nice to have a place for everything and everything in it’s place. Maybe I’ll work on that.
They say everything comes back around eventually. 😀